Research on active solar processes during and beside total solar eclipses

Competition for financial support of basic research projects – 2018

Duration: 8 December 2018 – 8 May 2022
Coordinator: Nikola Petrov
Team: Rositsa Miteva, Tsvetan Tsvetkov, Velimir Popov, Emil Ivanov


This project envisions realization of scientific research expeditions for observing the total solar eclipses on 2019 July 2 and 2020 December 14 from the territories of Chile andArgentina, respectively. Our essential goal is to get additional opportunities for studying the physical processes of the solar corona and the solar-terrestrial interactions through observation of the total solar eclipses. On the other hand, the second main objective of the project is to present the possible relation between the manifestations of solar activity and their immediate impact on the terrestrial atmosphere and magnetosphere through additional ground-based and space-based observations. Another important goal in the realization of the project is the formation of highly qualified young scientists in the field of heliophysics and the training specialists of other fields more or less connected to heliophysics.

Work packages

WP 1: Total solar eclipses scientific expeditions on 2 July 2019 and 14 December 2020
WP 2: Study of the solar active processes that lead to eruptive instabilities of magneticsystems in solar atmosphere
WP 3: Modelling and numerical simulations of physical processes that lead to destabilization and eruptive instability
WP 4: Training, qualification and educational activities